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Evolving Past Alzheimer's

Nov 5, 2017

Lisa Feiner is a co-founder of the grassroots, not-for-profit organization - Sharp Again Naturally - focused on preserving memory and restoring minds.

SharpAgain's "roadmap" to reversible causes of memory loss is really quite impressive. They advocate working on your own and in partnership with your healthcare practitioner to look for reversible causes of Alzheimer's, dementia, and memory loss.  Here is the list and you can find this on  - check out the "roadmap."


  1. Nutritional imbalances and deficiencies
  2. Toxins in food, water, air, work/home environments
  3. Effects of prescription medications
  4. Mercury and other heavy metal toxicity
  5. Hormonal imbalances (thyroid, estrogen, testosterone and others)
  6. Inflammation from low-level infections, mold, food allergies, and Lyme Disease
  7. Inadequate physical activity, mental stimulation, and social interaction
  8. Stress, especially from life changes and how we process information
  9. Sleep and breathing problems related to oxygen deficiency
  10. Traumatic Brain Injury

We also touch on the roles of meaning and spirituality and prevention (min 22:43).

We discuss the importance of oxygen and the airway on brain health (Min 30:24). Interestingly, there is a role for proper nutrition (including MCT oil) in terms of airway development.

Listen to stories of people that have improved using the the concepts advocated by Lisa's organization (Min 33). Treatment may take several months or longer to really see the powerful impacts.

Show Resources:   

Lisa's organization's website: Sharp Again Naturally

LA TIMES Article linking pollution and Alzheimer's

"The Polluted Brain - Evidence builds that dirty air causes Alzheimer's dementia"

"GASP - The Hidden Path to Wellness" by Michael Gelb DDS and Howard Hindin DDS. This is a book that explains many of the complexities around sleep disorders, airway problems and how to assess and treat them. It connects the concept of airway and sleep to problems with cognition.

BrainHQ by Posit Neuroscience.